
How we can support

Support Services

Navigating any change and transition can get overwhelming, both emotionally and in terms of the actual logistics.

I am here to support you through the process of exploring what you want to do next, getting you ready with a tailored plan and then finally helping you put it into action. Whether you are changing your career, applying to your chosen universities around the world or are ready to elevate your life to the next level, I am here to help.

Through individually tailored solutions, I can guide you through the process and help you shape your dreams into reality. As an experienced guidance counselor and coach, I support my clients through carefully planned individual and group sessions. Book a free consultation and let’s talk about how I can help you!

Magdalena Kozlowska Profile


Counselling & Coaching


Individual and group sessions to help you achieve your full potential

University & Career Guidance


Individually tailored support in university research, planning, and applying.

Workshops & Consulting


Interactive workshops for parents, students, and schools