Career guidance services

Studying abroad and embracing independence, where to start?

My goal is to help students explore their educational options, guiding them to the best fit universities that match their aspirations and profiles. I help make sense of the application process, and university rankings, ensuring they make informed decisions. As a qualified psychology counselor, emotional and anxiety support is part of the package.

University counselling stock image
Magdalena Kozlowska Profile

How we work together

We will start with an initial free consultation to determine your needs and how we can work together to meet those needs. We will then draw up a plan and timeline based on our discussions and the expectations of the university application process.

How we get you there

Unifyme Counselling is a platform dedicated to providing career guidance and support to students applying for university placements. The primary focus is to help individuals navigate the challenges of university admissions by equipping them with the necessary tools, resources, and support to achieve their academic goals. As an independent educational consultant, accredited coach and psychological counselor, I empower students to set goals and develop actionable plans to reach them. I assist students and families in the university application process through thorough exploration, strategic planning, and effective implementation of their plans. My aim is to ensure students find the best university fit and successfully transition into their next academic chapter.

Book a Free Consultation


University guidance

Tailored sessions to help you achieve your educational goals

Personal Coaching

Supporting you through personal and career transitions

Institutional Support

Helping organizations through consulting services

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