By November, we are finally  in full swing. More and more deadlines are coming up, both internally, as well as for university applications. It’s important to keep track of some of the following dates and events:

1. Finalizing Application Essays: Use November to put the finishing touches on application essays. Seek feedback from teachers, counselors, or trusted individuals to make sure the essays are polished and reflect your best self.

2. Interviews: Some universities offer optional or required interviews for applicants. If you’re invited for an interview, November may be the month when these interviews are scheduled. Prepare by researching the school and practicing common interview questions.

3. ED/EA  deadlines: Many universities have early application options with deadlines in November. Early Decision (ED) and Early Action (EA) deadlines often fall between November 1st and November 15th. Applying early can demonstrate your strong interest in a particular school and may increase your chances of admission.

4. The University of California deadline falls on November 30th. You can apply to all nine UC universities with one application. Make sure you submit the applications a few days before the final deadline to avoid any technical issues.

5. For international students November is a good month to apply to the more selective Canadian Universities like University of Toronto, University of British Columbia or McGill. Students who apply early will automatically be considered for scholarships at some of these institutions.

6. Scholarship Applications: Some colleges and universities have separate scholarship application deadlines that may fall in November or December. Be sure to apply for any scholarships you are eligible for by the designated deadlines.

As we move through November, it is important to maintain balance. Pace yourself, remember that the last year can be more like a marathon than a sprint. Get help when you need it, and remember that at the end it will all be worth it.

For more personalized guidance and support with your university application journey, contact me to discuss how I can provide tailored assistance to help you navigate the application process.